I wanted to share the EXCITING news that I just opened an online craft shop at Etsy. Etsy is an online store front where people can buy and sell handmade items. My shop name is: The Corner Cupboard, and it is opening its doors with handcrafted photo-cards and purses. The shop address is www.thecornercupboard.etsy.
You can also take time to visit my blog associated with my shop (I know...another one?...). It's called My Corner Cupboard. There I will post updates and sneak previews of upcoming items.
So why is my Etsy "The Corner Cupboard," and my blog and business email "My Corner Cupboard?" I actually created the Etsy first when I bought something from an Etsy seller; only afterward did I decide to set up a blog that could be associated with my shop, but the blog name The C.C. was already taken, so I had to settle for the next closest thing: My C.C.
Product samples: